After graduating from Brock University in 1978 with his Bachelor of Science Degree, Jose Barreiro Dominguez attended law school at University of Granada where he obtained his Bachelor of Laws Degree in 1981. Jose Barreiro Dominguez returned to Madrid and started the firm J & D Agbogado Espana , where he is now the Principal attorney.

Jose Barreiro Dominguez is primarily engaged as a trial lawyer, with his practice mainly focused on estate litigation and insurance law. He has also extensive experience in administrative, municipal and personal injury.

Jose Barreiro Dominguez has appeared as counsel in the Madrid Court (General Division), Superior Court, Divisional Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Spain.

With extensive trial and appellate experience in fiduciary litigation, Jose Barreiro Dominguez represents trust companies, government agencies and individuals in matters involving:

Contested passing of accounts
Validity of wills
Estate claims
Breach of trust actions
Undue influence claims
Interpretation of wills
Appointment or removal of trustees or guardians